
Sunday 19 October 2014

India's Mars Orbiter Mission / Mangalyaan

                  On 24th September 2014, India has created space history by successfully placing its low-cost Mangalyan spacecraft  in orbit around the Red Planet. With this, India became the first nation to reach Mars on its maiden attempt. Our Mangalyaan spacecraft successfully entered orbit around the Red Planet after a 10-month journey. The success of the mission, which is designed to search for evidence of life on the Red Planet, is a huge source of national pride for India as it leaves its Asian rivals, including China, in the shade.  It is a significant achievement after Chandrayaan.
India's Mars Orbiter Mission / Mangalyaan
India now joins an elite club of the United States, Russia and Europe who can boast of reaching Mars. The United States had its first success with a 1964 flyby by a spacecraft called Mariner 4, returning 21 images of the surface of the planet. The former Soviet Union reached the planet in 1971, and the European Space Agency in 2003. More than half of all missions to the planet (23 out of 41 missions) have ended in failure, including China's in 2011 and Japan's in 2003. No single nation had previously succeeded at its first go, although the European Space Agency, which represents a consortium of countries, did also pull it off at its first attempt.

Now Mangalyaan has reached Mars, it is expected to study the planet's surface and scan its atmosphere for methane, which could provide evidence of some sort of life form.

Important points  about MOM / Mangalyan

o    The Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM), also called as Mangalyaan (Mangalyan is an unofficial name)
o    This program is run by ISRO (Indian Space Research Organization)
o    Manufactured by Indian Space Research Organisation Satellite Centre (ISAC)
o    Launched into Earth orbit on 5th November 2013

o    It was launched from Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh.
o    This project is aimed as a "technology demonstrator". It will showcase and prove the capability for inter-planetary missions
o    The launch was made using PSLV-XL C25 rocket
o    The orbiter will have a life of 6 to 10 months in the orbit
o    While orbiting Mars the orbiter will study surface features, minerals and atmosphere on Mars
o    There are 5 main instruments on the orbiter
o    Lyman-Alpha Photometer (LAP)
o    Methane Sensor For Mars (MSM)
o    Mars Exospheric Neutral Composition Analyser (MENCA)
o    Thermal Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (TIS)
o    Mars Colour Camera (MCC)
o    It was successfully inserted into orbit of Mars on 24 September 2014
o    India the first Asian nation to reach Mars orbit.
o    The Mars Orbiter Mission was achieved on a budget of $74 million, nearly a tenth of the amount the US space agency Nasa spent on sending the Maven spacecraft to Mars.
o    This mission has been executed without any association with any foreign country. ..its completely indigenous.
o    The spacecraft has traveled more than 650 crore kilometers in around 300 days to complete this journey.

Team Members worked on Mangalyaan Mission

o    K Radhakrishnan
o    Chairman of ISRO, secretary in department of space.
o    Responsible for leading the mission and overall activities of Isro.
o    M Annadurai
o    Programme director, Mars Orbiter Mission
o    Responsible for budget management, direction for spacecraft configuration, schedule and resources.
o    S Ramakrishnan
o    Director of Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre and Member Launch Authorisation Board.
o    Responsible for realising the rocket (Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle) that would ferry the Mars orbiter.
o    SK Shivakumar
o    Director, Isro Satellite Centre.
o    Responsible for developing satellite technology and implementing satellite systems for scientific, technological and application missions.
o    P Kunhikrishnan
o    Project director, PSLV programme; ninth time as mission director.
o    Responsible for seeing the rocket completes its mission successfully and that the satellite is correctly injected in the designated orbit.
o    Chandradathan
o    Director, Liquid Propulsion system.
o    Made rich contribution to the realisation of solid motors for sounding rockets
o    AS Kiran Kumar
o    Director, Satellite Application Centre
o    Responsible for designing and building three of the orbiter payloads - Mars Colour Camera, Methane Sensor and Thermal Infrared Imaging Spectrometer.
o    MYS Prasad
o    Director, Satish Dhawan Space Centre, Chairman, Launch Authorisation Board
o    Responsible for range safety and schedules, overall in-charge at rocket port.
o    S Arunan
o    Project director, Mars Orbiter Mission.
o    Responsible for leading a team to build the spacecraft.
o    B Jayakumar
o    Associate project director, PSLV project
o    Responsible for the rocket systems, testing till the final lift-off.
o    MS Pannirselvam
o    Chief general manager, range operation director at Sriharikota Rocket port.
o    Responsible for maintaining launch schedules without any slippages

Team Members worked on Mangalyaan Mission

Sunday 7 September 2014

Wales Declaration of NATO Summit 2014

Wales Declaration of NATO Summit 2014 

North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) Summit 2014 was held in Wales, UK from 4 to 5 September 2014. This was the first summit held in the United Kingdom since Margaret Thatcher welcomed NATO leaders to London in 1990.

More than 60 world leaders attended the NATO Summit. Ukraine, Afghanistan was the top agenda for leaders of NATO Summit.

The summit in Wales was also attended by the US President Barrack Obama, with this, Obama became the first sitting President to visit Wales. Earlier, no sitting President of US has visited Wales.

Wales declaration on Ukraine Crisis

• The Heads of NATO and Ukraine Commission condemned Russia’s illegal and illegitimate self-declared annexation of Crimea, which created destabilization of eastern Ukraine that is a violation of international law.

• They called on Russia to reverse its self-declared annexation of Crimea and must end its support for militants in eastern Ukraine, withdraw its troops and stop its military activities across the Ukrainian border.

• NATO recognized Ukraine’s intent to expand its Distinctive Partnership with NATO and strategic consultations in the NATO-Ukraine Commission.

• NATO will also provide assistance to Ukraine to rehabilitate injured military personnel and encouraged NATO’s advisory presence at the NATO offices in Kyiv.

• NATO also considered Ukraine’s requests for military-technical assistance, and many Allies are accepted to provide additional support to Ukraine on a bilateral basis
Wales Declaration on Afghanistan
• International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) will conclude at the end of 2014 as planned. ISAF and the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) have assisted the Afghan people to regain control over their nation’s destiny over the past thirteen years.
• With the end of ISAF, the nature and scope of NATOs engagement with Afghanistan will change and it will be envisaged in three parallel, mutually reinforcing, strands of activity.
1. Resolute Support Mission - Under the Resolution Support Mission, NATO Allies and partner nations stand ready to continue to train, advise and assist the ANSF after 2014. For this purpose, a new, non-combat mission will be established and establishment is contingent on the signing of the US-Afghanistan Bilateral Security Agreement and NATO-Afghanistan Status of Forces Agreement.  
The Resolute Support Mission should be in consultation with the Government of Afghanistan and it should be supported by a United Nations Security Council Resolution.
2. Financial Sustainment of the ANSF - NATO and its allies have decided to provide support to the ANSF, as appropriate, through the Transformation Decade. They renewed their financial commitments to support the sustainment of the ANSF till the end of 2017, but they also want that Afghanistan should take its financial responsibility for its own security forces by 2024 that was agreed at Chicago summit.
Oversight and Coordination Body was already established to ensure donors can confidently commit this support and decided to maintain and strengthen the transparent, accountable and cost-effective of relevant international funding mechanisms since Chicago summit 2012.

3. NATO-Afghanistan Enduring Partnership - NATO and its allies committed to the NATO-Afghanistan Enduring Partnership. Under this partnership, both the political and practical elements of the partnership should be jointly owned and strengthened through regular consultation on issues of strategic concern.
NATO is ready to work with Afghanistan to develop this partnership in line with NATO’s Partnership Policy, possibly including the development of an Individual Partnership Cooperation Programme at an appropriate time.
• NATO decided to support an Afghan-led, Afghan-owned and inclusive peace process, as stated at the 2011 Bonn Conference and at the Chicago Summit in 2012.
• They also decided to support Afghanistan in making further progress towards becoming a stable, sovereign, democratic and united country, where rule of law and good governance prevail.
• They emphasized the particular importance of strengthening efforts to implement the rights of women, need for the protection of children from armed conflict and the United Nations Security Council Resolutions on Women, Peace and Security, and to include women fully in political, peace and reconciliation processes.
Wales declaration on the Transatlantic Bond
• North America and Europe agreed to increase defence expenditure in real terms as GDP grows and will direct their defence budgets as efficiently and effectively as possible.
• At Present, the aim is to move towards the existing NATO guideline of spending 2 percent of GDP on defence within a decade, with a view to fulfilling NATO capability priorities.
 North Atlantic Alliance- The North Atlantic Alliance binds North America and Europe in the defence of common security, prosperity and values. It guarantees the security of its members through collective defence.
It strengthens security in Europe, and projects stability further afield through crisis management and cooperative security with its unique set of partnerships.

About NATO
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) also called the North Atlantic Alliance. NATO is an intergovernmental military alliance based on the North Atlantic Treaty which was signed on 4 April 1949.
The last NATO summit was held in Chicago in 2012 and the next NATO Summit will be held in Warsaw, Poland in 2016.

Thursday 4 September 2014

Teacher’s Day in India and World Teacher’s Day

Teacher’s Day in India and World Teachers Day
Happy Teachers day
Happy Teacher's Day

Teacher's Day in India: SarvepalliRadhakrishnan was an Indian philosopher and statesman who was the first Vice President of India (1952-1962) and the second President of India from 1962 to 1967. Radhakrishnan was awarded several high awards during his life, including the Bharat Ratna, the highest civilian award in India, in 1954, and honorary membership of the British Royal Order of Merit in 1963.Radhakrishnan believed that teachers should be the best minds in the country”. Since 1962, his birthday (5th September) is celebrated in India as Teacher’s Day.

World Teacher’s Day, held annually on October 5th since 1994, commemorates teacher’s organizations worldwide. Its aim is to mobilize support for teachers and to ensure that the needs of future generations will continue to be met by teachers. According to UNESCO, World Teacher’s Day represents a significant token of the awareness, understanding and appreciation displayed for the vital contribution that teachers make to education and development.

Wishing You All Happy Teacher's day

Saturday 2 August 2014

International Friendship Day

Sunday, August 3 - Friendship Day 2014

Sunday, August 3 - Friendship Day 2014

         Friendship Day celebrations take place on the first Sunday of August every year. The tradition of dedicating a day in honor of friends began in US in 1935. Gradually the festival gained popularity and today Friendship Day is celebrated in large number of countries including India. On this day people spend time with their friends and express love for them. Exchange of Friendship Day Gifts like flowers, cards and wrist bands is a popular tradition of this occasion.
                Friendship Day has come to be celebrated in a big way in India. The noble idea of honoring friends and friendship has really caught on with the youth in India and one can see the festival being enthusiastically celebrated by the youth especially, students.

Friendship Day celebrations occur on different dates in different countries. The first World Friendship Day was proposed for 30 July 1958. On 27 April 2011 the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN) declared 30 July as official International Friendship Day. However, some countries, including India, celebrate Friendship Day on the first Sunday of August. In Oberlin, Ohio, Friendship Day is celebrated on 8 April each year.


Krishna's City Dwaraka found Underwater

Krishna's City Dwaraka found Underwater

Dwarka the sunken city
Not so long ago some Indian scientists accidentally discovered the lost city of Dwaraka, submerged off the north western coast of India near the Gulf of Cambay or Khambat. The first archaeological excavations at Dwaraka were done by the Deccan College , Pune and the Department of Archaeology, Government of Gujarat, in 1963. Since 1983 the Marine Archaeology Unit of the National Institute of Oceanography is engaged in the offshore exploration and excavation of the legendary city of Dwaraka.

A few years ago a team of NIOT scientists while working for British Gas in the Gulf of Cambay region were stunned to see images of objects and things, completely alien to the marine domain. Samples collected include artifacts, wood pieces, pottery materials, hearth pieces and animal bones which were sent to Manipur University, Oxford University, London, Institute of Earth Sciences, Hanover, Germany for analysis and dating. On analysis and dating of the samples collected it was found that the samples were about 9000 years old, about the same time when the Ice Age ended. Some of the artifacts discovered dated as far back as 32,000 years. Perhaps, this is the discovery of one of the oldest civilizations known to mankind.

Marine archaeological explorations off Dwarka have brought to light a large number of stone structures. They are are semicircular, rectangular and square in shape and are in water depth ranging from inter tidal zone to 6 m. They are randomly scattered over a vast area. Besides these structures, a large number of varieties of stone anchors have been noticed along the structures as well as beyond 6 m water depth.

These findings suggest that Dwarka was one of the most busy port centers during the past on the west coast of India. The comparative study of surrounding sites indicates that the date of the structures of Dwarka may be between Historical period and late medieval period.

Mainstream scientists maintain that ancient Indian culture/civilization goes back some 4-5 thousand years. Yet the ruins below the Gulf of Cambay go back at least 9 thousand years, i.e. to the time when the area submerged under water.
This means that the city must have existed before the flooding, i.e. at least 9 thousand years ago.
The explorations conducted in the Gulf of Cambay waters revealed sandstone walls, a grid of streets and some evidence of a sea port 70 feet under water. The ruins have been proclaimed the remains of the legendary lost city of Dwarka which, according to ancient Hindu texts, was the dwelling place of the deity known as Krishna.
Until recently the very existence of the city of Dwarka was a matter of legends. Now, that the remains have been discovered under water, and with many clues seeming to suggest that this, indeed, is the legendary Dwarka, dwelling place of lord Krishna, could it be that lord Krishna and his aerial battle with king Salva were more than just a legend?
The implications of accepting the archeologists’ finds as proof that the sunken city is indeed the legendary Dwarka would be very significant for the understanding of what the Mahabharata is. It would no longer be merely a book of myths and legends, but in fact, at least to some extent, a genuine account of past events.

Friday 1 August 2014

FIFA World Cup final 2014 – Germany beat Argentina 1-0

FIFA World Cup final 2014 – Germany beat Argentina 1-0

Mario Goetze scored a superb extra time winner as Germany beat Argentina 1-0 to become the first European team to win a World Cup held in South America. Germany has now won four World Cups, putting the European powerhouse just one behind Brazil’s record tally of five.
Bayern Munich star Goetze struck in the 113th minute to finally break Argentina’s resistance as Lionel Messi’s dream of emulating Diego Maradona ended in defeat.

  • Golden Ball AwardGolden Ball was awarded to Argentina captain Lionel Messi for his outstanding displays at Brazil 2014.
  • Golden Boot AwardGolden Boot was awarded goes to the top goal scorer at the FIFA World Cup who at Brazil 2014 was Colombia’s James Rodriguez.
  • Golden Glove AwardGolden Glove was awarded to the tournament’s most outstanding goalkeeper who at Brazil 2014 was deemed to be Germany’s Manuel Neuer.
  • Young Player AwardYoung Player award was awarded to France’s Paul Pogba for his excellent displays at Brazil 2014. 
  • Fair Play AwardThe FIFA Fair Play Award will go to the team with the tournament’s best disciplinary record. Only teams that reach the knockout phase are eligible. Colombia won this award.
  • Final Tournament Standings:
        Winner: Germany
        Runners-Up: Argentina
        Third: Netherlands

 v 2018 FIFA World Cup – Russia
 v 2022 FIFA World Cup  – Qatar